Common problem

Q1: Where does PanPay operate?
A: PanPay offices are located in Vilnius (PanPay Europe), Shanghai (Shanghai Information service Limited), Hong Kong (PanPay Hong Kong Limited) and San Francisco (PanPay USA), we facilitate international transactions globally with some exclusions.
PanPay does not operate in selected countries and/or business/industries as per “Prohibited Jurisdictions and Businesses/Industries” list.
Q2: What countries and regions are supported by PanPay to open payment account?
Q3: What countries and business/industries are prohibited?
Q4: How can I open an account?
Q5: What support documentation is needed to open an account?
Q6: How will you verify my identity?
Q7: How long will it take to open payment account?
Q8: How many PanPay payment accounts can be opened for corporate?
Q9: Do I need to declare the origin of funds?
Q10: How is the pricing category assigned to me?